


Richard Dawson, 3 February 2016

I know of several people I’ve met recently who’ve used the principle of the ‘New Year’s Resolution’ to get some part of their lives ‘on track’ this year. Whether it be breaking a bad habit, getting fit, losing weight or simply staying focused, committing to something, making a promise to oneself and telling others about it is perhaps one of the most used and sometimes abused ways of getting started. And, frankly, it’s often quite helpful. I suspect we over-emphasise the idea of commitment in the Christian community at times but there’s no doubting the need to determine godly priorities for our lives if we want to be followers of Jesus. In the end, commitment in a Christian context simply boils down to a decision to go one way or another—to follow Christ or not to. And this then leads to making changes in other parts of our lives. An alcoholic may commit to being dry but that decision then has to apply to each moment and each circumstance of their lives if it is to make a difference. In a similar manner, we may commit to making Christ LORD of our life but that will then need to apply ‘down the line’ to decisions about money, relationships and time.
Can I, then, challenge you this year to determine to let Jesus in ‘down the line.’ Perhaps you’ve been a Christian for many years but never really asked God about how that should effect what you spend your time on—how much TV you watch; how much time you spend with the family. Perhaps you’ve never allowed God to speak into your key relationships—never asked God to be Lord of that part of your life. Commitment to Christ means commitment in these areas as well. Finally, I wonder if you’ve committed what you earn to God or are we still lords in that area? Yes you worked hard for that money but it is the gifts God gave you which enabled you to do that. Commit everything to God this year. Don’t hold back!

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