

Being Me (2)

Richard Dawson, 2 December 2014

The Bible encourages us to develop a healthy sense of ‘self.’ Jesus’ teaching prefigured a much later recognition of the importance of the individual when he took seriously the needs of people who were socially ‘nobodies.’ In other words they were ‘non persons’ as far as most of the rest of society was concerned. But they weren’t ‘non-persons’ to Jesus or to God the Father. He praised the actions of the prostitute who wet His feet with her tears. He lauded the actions of a Samaritan in helping a man beaten by thieves. He raised up simple fishermen as leaders and He recognised the faith of people as diverse as Roman Centurions, women with long standing disease of the womb and Canaanite women. He recognised people despite their social, political and personal standing and He told stories about people who deliberately squandered their personhood such as the prodigal son. Personhood and individuality were important to Him and so they should be important to us. We do this by making space for people in our circle of relationships—by honouring them first as worthy human beings and then as worthy members of our community. And yes there has to be some reciprocal response and effort but always the initiative lies with us. As members of the majority group it is our responsibility to reach out to those who aren't and invite them in. Acknowledging someone else in this way also requires that we listen and get to know another. So many people find Christian society rather shallow because we do not use the time we’re together to really get to know others and yet they need this to feel they are ’somebody.’

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